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Secida AG
Contact info

secida AG
Rüttenscheider Str. 120, 45131 Essen
45131 Essen

Registered office of the company: Essen
Commercial register: Essen Local Court, HRB 30480
UST-ID-NR: DE326824621
Phone: +49 211 3853 6647
Board of Directors: Alpha B. Barry


Our website is protected by copyright. All rights reserved for the content and design. The content as well as images and the design of the website are subject to copyright protection and other intellectual property laws of secida AG. The complete or partial reproduction, dissemination, transmission (electronically or otherwise), modification or use of our Internet pages for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without our prior written consent. Information on gender-differentiated formulation: The text on our website uses the generic masculine. This always addresses persons, not men, women or other genders. This formulation is in no way to be interpreted in a judgmental manner.


The information provided on this website has been compiled with the utmost care and is updated regularly. However, we do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents. Therefore secida AG excludes any liability or guarantee. secida AG reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information at any time without notice.